Saturday Friends Lunch Group
Pakistani Dabba Rice and Curry
Our Motto

 It was a casual talk with Deepak Daswani, he suggestted why not we friends go out ? Here ,Sown were the seeds of our Group.
To call up the Greatest of Guys in Guangzhou,that i knew of was a difficult task, but than with so many nice people available in Guangzhou........................We started the group.
Today, I spend more time on a Saturday getting ready for the group than any other event. Shows how i feel about meeting such Great Guys.

Welcome graphic

Mama Mia

Italian Restaurant was the first place we met.

Deepak Daswani, Deepak Thadani,Vimal, Kenny,Nanik,Satish, Max were there, We called the Russian Chef and asked him what was good and ordered ! The food was excellent, The atmo great, Greater was the Company and how we surprised our office staff by leaving early on a Saturday !

It was a great start, Tiramisu was a wonderful dessert to end it with.

We went home  happy.

Home Sweet Home!!

2nd Meet was to be next week again on a Saturday at BELLAGIOS ! AT 1.30

Cheers to the Saturday Friends Lunch Group
Thanks to Mama Mia !

Any amount is not Small for Charity!